| Agenda | | 1. Roll call Gary Cornelius Paul Grosso Dick Hamilton Scott Hudson Mark Johnson Mike Smith Norman Walsh, chair and scribe Regrets: None Absent: Jeff Beal Steve Cogorno Nancy Harrison Larry Rowland Bob Stayton | 2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous (November) meeting | Note: there was no quorum for the December meeting. Accepted. | 3. Next meeting: 18 Feb 2004. No regrets. | 4. Review of the agenda (set aside more time for RFEs?) See 5a and 7b. | 5. Review of open action items | | a. Norm to follow-up on RFE 562343: element ACTION: Transferred to Mark. | b. Norm to write better documentation for option/optional Continued. | c. Norm to describe how the prototype works and how it was constructed. Norm described the system. It's much simpler now. In CVS under sourceforge.net/projects/docbook/ it's in docbook/docbook/relax-ng I've described some of the choices I've made on http://norman.walsh.name/ Completed. | d. Mike to provide a better proposal for choicelist markup. Continued. | e. Mike to reconsider the annotation problem and post his thoughts. Continued. | f Norm to post his stylesheet that attempts to convert existing DocBook | documents to the "V5" style markup. It's in the CVS repository. Also in CVS is the set of tests (from the DocBook tests collection). The tests in tests/skip are the ones that I don't believe can be converted automatically. | g. Dick to propose more general solution for caption in mediaobject. Continued. | h. Steve to propose generalizing programlisting to the list. Continued. | i. Bob to send out action item reminder mail. | COMPLETED. | j. Norm to produce simplified 4.3CR1 DTD. | COMPLETED. 5a. Complain about Kavi By unanimous consent, we do wish to lodge some sort of complaint. - The documents in the system, as exposed to non-members is really useless - The fact you cant link between documents is really bad - It's impossible to publish schemas that need such - System identifiers for documents as they are updated; the URLs are not practical for publication as normative references to material - It's impossible to predict what the URIs are going to be - MIME email issues - No internal navigation for TCs that want to maintain more sophisticated pages - This makes the OASIS site less useful. - It's hard to find things - People are moving documents off the TC site in order to address these issues. ACTION: Norm to draft a message for TC approval The TC will decide by email vote to send the message officially. Accepted. | 6. biblioref proposal [1] | (formerly Improved citation support, RFE 810932). The replies to our previous message never made it to the docbook-tc list. ACTION: Mike to forward the responses to our previous message to our list. ACTION: Norm to make sure this is on our agenda for next month. Apologies to the biblioref proposers for this delay. | 7. DocBook V4.3 CR1 Norm: I published DocBook V4.3CR3 today. Scott: Did you include the changes to the attributes on caption? Norm: Drat. No. ACTION: Norm will publish CR4 with the required changes to caption. ACTION: Norm to republish Simplified 4.3CR4. 7b. Additions to Simplified Norm: I have reservations about making Simplified bigger. Mark: I agree. Scott: Anchor seems like the critical one, the others I can add in a customization layer. Norm: I think I could see adding anchor, if that was enough. Scott: I think that would be acceptable. Proposal: Add anchor to Simplified DocBook. Accepted. ACTION: Norm to make it so. | 8. DocBook V5.0 (RELAX NG) Norm gave a report on his design experiments. The summary: it feels like we're going in the right direction. ADJOURNED | 9. Reconsider the policy for backwards incompatible changes. | | 10. Revisit addition of 'language' attribute | to programlisting and synopsis (use MIME?). | See [2] for the original RFE 798616. | See [3] for the minutes of the decision. | See [4] and [5] for further discussion about it. | | 11. Review of Requests for Enhancement | | To browse a specific RFE, enter the URL (on one line): | | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&;; | group_id=21935&atid=384107&aid=XXXX | | 543064 JavaObject tag | 675024 form, script, applet support | 698026 cannot embed within | 702185 add procedure as child of para | 711815 Tagging for subtler breaks or "pauses" within a chapter | 742373 Splitting Segmented List | 752632 Color control of CALS table element | 798616 syntax="" or notation="" needed for code listings | 828720 'spacing' attr. for 'variablelist' | | The following RFEs are awaiting action items | | 413389 Enhance METHODNAME and VARNAME (Norm, generic linking) | 431411 RFE 70: add generic linking capability (Norm) | 522552 Add title attribute to element (Mike, annotations) | 541444 caption in mediaobjectco (Dick) | 562343 element (Norm) | 565637 Associate non-inline image with link (Norm, generic linking) | 574880 Add annotation element (Mike) | 613293 Generalize programlisting (Steve) | 623524 (Re)Consider "choicelist" markup (Mike) | | The following RFEs are identified as V6.0 or later | | 531851 Remove inline person name elements | 532088 Remove RevHistory from qandaentry | - --- | | [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200311/msg00014.html | [2] | http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=798616&group_id=21935&atid=384107 | [3] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200309/msg00037.html | [4] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200401/msg00011.html | [5] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200401/msg00019.html