| Agenda | ------ | | 1. Roll call Dennis Evans Sabine Ocker Michael Sabrio Michael Smith Norman Walsh Called to order by the chair, 13:02 | 2. Accepting the minutes[1] of the previous meeting Accepted. | 3. Review of the agenda Added to any other business. | Continuation of the previous agenda[2]: | | 7. Adapting DocBook for more topic-oriented manuals M. Sabrio: What we have above 'section' is very book-oriented. Norm provided a description of Website: independent pages with an external navigation document. M. Smith observes that this is what HTML Help really uses. M. Smith provided a brief summary of the Darwin (DIDA) project at IBM M. Smith and Dennis observed that there's a perception problem: people think DocBook is just about books. Norm suggested that perhaps we should create a Topic and allow the content model of Set to be book+ or topic+. Dennis will ask the local help author for more information. | 8. Addition of section.class parameter entity [5] M. Smith points out that this would allow greater flexibility in creating customization layers. Norm observes that historically we don't have one because sections used to be numbered. Proposal: add a section.class parameter entity (similar to refentry.class, chapter.class, etc.). Accepted. | 9. Expand the content model of filename (and perhaps some related elements) | to be broader than smallcptr.char.mix. [6][7] Proposed: we will go back to cptr.char.mix, we will not create a new PE that's bigger than smallcptr.char.mix but smaller than cptr.char.mix. Accepted. Proposed: post the list of changed elements to the list. Wait a month for everyone to consider the issues and vote on this at the next meeting. These are the elements effected: Action, Command, Database, Filename, Hardware, Interface, KeyCap, Literal, Option, Parameter, Property, and SystemItem. | 10. Content model issues relating to lists and procedures.[8][9] This issue continues to be discussed. No conclusion is immediately obvious. Proponents of various proposals agreed to take them to the list for further discussion. We'll revisit the issue again at the next meeting. | 11. Any other business Proposed: accept EBNF, HTMLForms, and MathML layers as official V1.0 work products. Accepted. Proposed: publish a version of the Simplified DocBook DTD as an official test release with the goal of eventually making it an official work product. Accepted. Adjourned 14:05 by the chair. | Upcoming Meetings[1] | ----------------- | 19 Jun 2001 Teleconference at 13:00EDT for one hour | 17 Jul 2001 Teleconference at 13:00EDT for one hour | 21 Aug 2001 Teleconference at 13:00EDT for one hour | 18 Sep 2001 Teleconference at 13:00EDT for one hour | 16 Oct 2001 Teleconference at 13:00EDT for one hour | 20 Nov 2001 Teleconference at 13:00EDT for one hour | 14 Dec 2001: Face-to-face colocated with XML/MT 2001 (Orlando, FL) | | Teleconferences will continue on the third Tuesday of each month. | | [1] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200105/msg00005.html | [2] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200105/msg00004.html | [5] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200103/msg00005.html | [6] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200103/msg00006.html | [7] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200101/msg00059.html | [8] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook-tc/200103/msg00001.html | [9] http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/docbook/200104/msg00016.html