23 January 1996 See announce.txt for info about this release of the DocBook DTD. Packing list for DocBook V2.4 (docbk24.tar and docbk24.zip): announce.txt 24change.txt Announcement of release and list of changes calstbl.mod dbgenent.mod dbhier.mod dbpool.mod docbook.dtd DTD files for DocBook V2.3. docbook.cat docbook.dcl Additional application files for DocBook V2.3. ----------------------------------------------------- Held over from V2.3 pending updates, in this directory but not in the docbk24.tar and docbk24.zip files maintdoc.ps PostScript-formatted Maintainer's Guide. maintdoc.sgm DocBook source for Maintainer's Guide (with V2.2.1 FPI). calltree.eps modules.eps Graphics referenced in Maintainer's Guide. Also to be found in this directory is the Guide to the DocBook DTD for the 2.2.1 version. This will be updated for V2.4.