Only subscribers can post to mailing lists, and only from the address they used when they subscribed. Mail from unsubscribed addresses is forwarded to a moderator and may be forwarded after some delay. Note, however, that due to the extraordinary volume of spam, some messages are likely to get lost entirely.
Only text messages may be posted to the lists. If your mail client posts using HTML or some other “enriched” format, your message will be rejected. This decision was motivated by the fact that the overwhelming majority of spam that gets sent to the lists arrives as text/html.
There are two DocBook-related lists: docbook and docbook-apps. The docbook list is for general questions about DocBook. The docbook-apps list is for questions about applications (stylesheets, transformation tools, publishing tools, processing requirements, etc.) that use or work with DocBook.
Questions about DocBook markup (How do I markup a Widget? What's a FuncSynopsisInfo for?) should be sent to the docbook list.
Questions about XSL or DSSSL stylesheets, publishing DocBook documents on your platform of choice, support for PostScript, PDF, or other types of output, questions about Windows or Unix applications that can consume or produce DocBook should be sent to the docbook-apps list.
Do not begin your subject line with “help” or “subscribe” since the list software will bounce the message because it looks like is an administrative request.
Do not use un-informative subject lines like “Urgent”, “Easy question”, or “Problem”. Instead, use a meaningful subject line that will make sense to the people whose help you are trying to get.
Both subscribers to <>
should post their messages to
. The messages will be received by both
subscribers to the list and subscribers to the digest.
Both subscribers to <>
should post their messages to
. The messages will be received by
both subscribers to the list and subscribers to the digest.
Do not start a new thread by replying to an unrelated message and just changing the subject line since the header of your message will contain references to the previous message and your new message will appear in the archive as one of the replies to the original message. It is better to start a new message for a new thread.